Saffron is a spice with strong fragrance and distinctive color. The spice is also rich in antioxidants, which may have many health benefits. Saffron is considered a superfood because of its medically researched rich nutrients, and powerful antioxidants.
1- A powerful Antioxidant - Saffron is rich in plant compounds that act as antioxidants, such as crocin, crocetin, safranal and kaempferol. Antioxidants help protect your cells against oxidative stress.
2- Saffron may improve mood and treat depressive symptoms- Studies found that taking 30mg of saffron daily was just as effective as fluoxetine, Imipramine, and Citalopram- conventional treatments of depression. But, more studies are needed before definite recommendations can be made.
3- Saffron may have cancer-fighting properties - In test-tube studies , saffron and its compounds have shown to selectively kill colon cancer cells or suppress their growth. However, more human research is needed.
4- Saffron may reduce PMS symptoms- Both eating and smelling saffron appears to help treat PMS symptoms, such as irritability, pain, and anxiety.
5- Saffron may reduce appetite and aid weight loss- saffron has been shown to reduce snacking and curb your appetite. In turn, these behaviors may help you lose weight.
Saffron has also been linked to other health benefits under further study :
- May reduce heart disease risk factors
- May lower blood sugar levels
- May improve eye-sight in adults with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
- May improve memory in adults with Alzheimer's disease
I posted about an interesting study a while back that showed how saffon improved clinical symptoms in patients with mild to moderate persistent allergic asthma. The intervention group in the study received two capsules of saffron ( 100mg/day) for 8 weeks. Saffron has anti-inflammatory effects and may have beneficial effects on asthma. Although, more research is needed because long term effects of saffron intake are not known.

Saffron can be purchased as threads or in powdered form. However, its best to buy the threads, as they give you more versatility and are less likely to be adulterated. If the saffron appears too cheap, its best to avoid it. In addition, saffron is available in supplement form. As a dietary supplement, people can safely take up to 1.5 grams of saffron per day.
In standard cooking amounts, saffron does not appear to cause any side effects in humans. High doses of 5 grams or more can have toxic effects. Pregnant women should avoid high doses, as it may cause miscarriage.
Try incorporating saffron into your favorite dishes to take advantage of its potential health benefits.
As with any supplement, speak to your doctor before taking saffron in supplement form.
The content of my page is for Informational/Educational purposes only. Nothing should be constructed as Medical Advise.