I truly believe that if you put good things into your body, you will be rewarded with good things in return. Today I will be talking about foods that keep you healthy from the inside out-other wise known as foods that boost the immune system.
1. Yogurt is a natural probiotic, which means it replaces all the good bacteria in your system. Studies have shown that including probiotics can lessen sick days.
2. Garlic contains an ingredient called allicin, which fights bacteria and infection. Eating garlic cloves raw has shown to decrease the chances of catching a cold.
3. Chicken soup helps to reduce inflammation and thin mucus the same way cough medicines do. Studies have shown amino acid cysteine found in chicken broth, is similar to a chemical in an antibiotic that fights bronchitis.
4. Tea which is soothing remedy for sore throat, also works as a virus fighter. Both green and black tea contains antioxidants which are great for overall health.
5. Mushrooms promote white blood cell production, which helps body fight off infections. People have been using mushrooms as immune boosters for centuries.
6. Strawberries come packed with vitamin C- a common cold remedy people turn to when they start feeling sick. Vitamin C fights viruses before you even get sick.
7. Brussels sprouts help nourish the thymus gland, which controls much of your immune system function. Eat two servings a day of these beta-carotene rich sprouts for optimal health.
8. Oatmeal - is not only a great comfort food, but, its also full of beta-glucan. Beta-glucan has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that are as strong as those found in Echinacea. By eating oatmeal you will notice wounds healing faster and antibiotic working better.
9. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash are members of the beta-carotene-rich family. Beta-carotene are powerful antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals. Studies have shown that Beta-carotene can also lower the risk of heart disease.
10. Dark chocolate is the best source of Zinc, which will decrease your risk of infection and promote the growth of white blood cells.
The content of my page is for informational/educational purposes only. Nothing should be constructed as medical advise.