The current mortality rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) is around 2%, which is 20-times higher than the mortality rate from your typical influenza. This is concerning especially to the elderly and those with underlying health conditions who are being hit the hardest with over a 10% mortality rate.
But, at the same time as a pharmacist , I don't like the way the Media and some other resources are creating a feel of extreme fear and chaos in people. The best thing you can do to protect yourself and family is to educate yourself how to reduce your risk of coronavirus infection. The obvious : frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. For anyone, over the age of 50, please get the recommended pneumonia vaccine per your doctor. There is some scientific research that both pneumonia and flu vaccine might add extra protection for the elderly, those over age 50, and those with underlying health conditions.
There are also some vitamins and natural remedies for boosting immunity to fight infection against regular flu and Coronavirus :
1- Edlerberry extract : 600-1500mg
2- Zinc ( 40mg)
3- Vitamin C ( 500mg)
4-Selenium ( 50-100 mcg )
5- Glucosamine ( 3gram or more )
6- NAC - ( N-acetyl cysteine ) 600mg twice daily
Also, if you are taking medications for hearth, blood pressure, and other medical issues, ask your pharmacy to give you an extra refill to have in the house. There might be a shortage of some medications that were made in china in the next few months, but other countries have already started manufacturing them.
With everyone so busy with Coronavirus news, I have to add that there have been also cases of Hepatitis-A outbreaks in some areas of long-beach california. In a later post this week, I will talk about Hepatitis A and measures for protection.
Again, the key points here are to boost your immunity to fight infections and use proper measures to protect yourself and family. please don't hesitate to leave me notes or any questions you may have. wishing you all a great sunday !